The FSPHP relies on volunteers to serve on its committees to promote the missions and objectives of the organization. If you are interested in learning more about participating in one or more of these committees, please review our committees below, and visit our Committee Interest Page.
Executive Committee
Purpose: To act for and on behalf of the Board of Directors in all matters requiring prompt attention between Board meetings, and to select the location for the annual meeting. Members are officers of the FSPHP Board of Directors, and 2 members elected by regional directors.
Meets as needed, 2-3 times a year in between Board meetings.
Michael Baron, MD, MPH, DFASAM, FAPA, President, Chair
Edwin Kim, MD, President-Elect
Scott Hambleton, MD, DFASAM, Immediate Past President
Heather Wilson, MSW, CFRE, CAE, Secretary
Kelley Long, MBA, Treasurer
Joseph Jordan, PhD, Southeast Region Representative
Laura Moss, MD, Western Region Representative
Linda Bresnahan, Executive Director/Staff
Nominating Committee
Purpose: To submit a slate of one or more nominees for each of the Officer/Director positions to be filled by election, and to nominate PHP members to the Board of Directors when terms expire or become, vacant, in accordance with FSPHP Policies and Bylaws.
**Nominating Committee Membership is addressed by an election in each region, terms are for two years.
Meets monthly from October through February, and in April.
Scott Hambleton, MD, DFASAM, Immediate Past President, Chair
P. Bradley Hall, MD, DFASAM, Presidential Appointment
Amanda Kimmel, MPA - Western Region Representative
Kay O'Shea, MA, CADC - Central Region Representative
Art Hengerer, MD, FACS - Northeast Region Representative
Tina Simpson, MD - Southeast Region Representative
Linda Bresnahan, Executive Director, Staff
Bylaws Committee
Purpose: Review of proposed by-laws changes for internal consistency and language; overall review of bylaws as needed.
Meets as needed.
Debra Grossbaum, Esq.
Kelley Long, MBA
Sarah Early, PsyD
Linda Bresnahan, Executive Director/Staff
Program Planning Committee
Purpose: To plan, facilitate, and oversee the operation of the Annual Meeting.
Meets monthly from 3pm-4pm EST, typically the first Wednesday of each month.
Doris Gundersen, MD, Co-Chair
Martha Brown, MD, Co-Chair
Leah Briick, PhD
Mary Ellen Caiati, MD
John William Claytor, DDS, MAGD
Emily Doyle, MD
P. Bradley Hall, MD, DFASAM
Philip Hemphill, PhD
Scott L. Hambleton, MD, DFASAM
Scott Humphreys, MD
Amanda Kimmel, MPA
April Mallory, LCSW
Jon Novick, MDM, FRCPC, MRO
Nadine Rosete
Ben Seymour, CADC, CIP
Tina Simpson, MD
Michelle Sticka, MSW, LCSW
Craig Uthe, MD
Brenda Williams-Denbo
Linda Bresnahan, Executive Director, Staff
Tanya Roof, CMP, CASE, Meeting and Event Planning Consultant
Publication Committee
Purpose: To publish the FSPHP Newsletter and oversee the FSPHP website and listserv.
Meets the 4th Monday of the month at 3pm-4pm EST in January, April, July, October
Amanda Kimmel, MPA, Co-Chair
Sarah Early, PsyD, Co-Chair
Mark Albanese, MD
Vanessa Bloy
Mary Ellen Caiati, MD
Caroline Young, LPCC
Quinn Montgomery, LPC
Linda Bresnahan, Executive Director, Staff
Public Policy Committee
Purpose: The FSPHP Public Policy Committee is responsible for overseeing the development of FSPHP policy statements, position statements, and joint policy statements with allied organizations for FSPHP Board adoption. It also considers and recommends endorsement decisions to the FSPHP Board for non-FSPHP (external) policy statements.
Meets the 2nd Tuesday of every other month at 3pm-4pm EST.
John Kuhn, MD, Chair
Michael Baron, MD, MPH, DFASAM, FAPA
Terrance Bedient, FACHE
Chris Bundy, MD, MPH, FASAM
John William Claytor, DDS, MAGD
Anthony Cloy, MD
Kelli C. Jacobsen, MSW, LCSW
Edwin Kim, MD
Amanda Kimmel, MPA
Tish Vincent, LMSW, Esq
Linda Bresnahan, MS, Executive Director, Staff
Finance Committee
Purpose: To provide financial oversight and develop budget for FSPHP Board approval.
Meets quarterly on Thursdays at 11am EST.
Kelley Long, MBA, Chair
Terrance Bedient, FACHE
Sarah Early, PsyD
P. Bradley Hall, MD, DFASAM
Joseph Jordan, PhD
Kirsten Mack
Penelope Ziegler, MD
Linda Bresnahan, Executive Director, Staff
(Subcommittees or Task Forces)
Special committees, subcommittees, or task forces may be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board providing they are not in conflict with FSPHP Bylaws. The duties and scope of responsibilities of any such body shall be defined in writing by the President with Board approval at the time of appointment.
Membership Committee
Purpose: To support membership engagement, recruitment and retention by identifying strategies in alignment with FSPHP strategic plans to address member challenges and needs. This is to include assessing and recommending products, services, and programs that will enhance the value of FSPHP membership and benefit those who are served by FSPHP members. The membership committee reviews membership applications and works with the Finance Committee to propose membership dues to the Board.
Meets every other month, Mondays at 1pm EST.
Edwin Kim, MD, Chair
Leah Briick, PhD
John Jackson, MD
P. Bradley Hall, MD, DFASAM
Scott L. Hambleton, MD, DFASAM
Jon Novick, MDM, FRCPC, MRO
Linda Bresnahan, Executive Director, Staff
Ethics Committee
Purpose: To receive, assess and make recommendations to the FSPHP Board of Directors regarding inquiries related to FSPHP Code of Conduct, and Conflict of Interest Policy.
Meets as needed.
Joseph Jordan, PhD, Chair
Michael Baron, MD, MPH, DFASAM, FAPA
Bradley Diner, MD
David Granovetter, MD
Art Hengerer, MD, FACS
Kelli Jacobsen, MSW, LCSW
Edwin Kim, MD
Jenny Melamed, MD, MBChB, FASAM
Laura Moss, MD
Rebecca Payne, MD
Robert Simpson, MD
Jerry Smith, PsyD
Tracy R. Zemansky, PhD
Linda Bresnahan, Executive Director, Staff
Medical Student & Resident Committee
Purpose: Enhance how PHPs can work collaboratively with training institutions to promote and facilitate health and wellbeing in medical training. This includes early intervention of potentially impairing illness within the safety sensitive occupation of healthcare workers in training.
Meets quarterly on the 3rd Monday of the month.
Sandra Frazier, MD, FASAM, Co-Chair
Kay O’Shea, MA, CADC, Co-Chair
Martha Brown, MD
Mark Chase, PhD, MBA, LADC, DOT SAP, MFT-I
Anthony Cloy, MD
Megan Curry, LCSW
P. Bradley Hall, MD, DFASAM
Philip Hemphill PhD
Amanda Kimmel, MPA
Jenny Melamed, MD, MBChB, FASAM
Rebecca Payne, MD
Robert Simpson, MD
Ray Truex, MD, FACS, FAANS
Tracy R. Zemansky, PhD
Research Committee
Purpose: Develop, evaluate and pursue research opportunities including partnerships and funding which may be available to the FSPHP and facilitate individual program research and present such opportunities to the FSPHP with recommendations. To have two active accomplishable research projects looking at PHP Model Outcomes and PHP Participant Experience.
Meets monthly on the 4th Wednesday of each month, at 4pm EST.
Lisa Merlo, PhD, MPE, Co-Chair
Karen Miotto, MD, Co-Chair
Cristiana de Paula Araujo, PhD
Chris Bundy, MD, MPH, FASAM
E. Maire Durnin-Goodman, MD, PhD, FASAM, CCBOM, MRO
Paul H. Earley, MD, DFASAM
Michael H. Gendel, MD
Kevin Hallgren, PhD
Philip Hemphill, PhD
Rosalie Hemphill, MSW
Emily King, PA-C
Natalie Lyons
Jenny Melamed, MD, MBChB, FASAM
Pamela Rowland, PhD
Penelope Ziegler, MD
Linda Bresnahan, MS, Executive Director, Staff
Funding Development Committee
Purpose: The purpose of the Fund Development Committee is to plan and implement a comprehensive fund development initiative, to recommend fundraising strategies to the Board of Directors, and to support funding initiatives in collaboration with the funding workgroup.
Meets last Wednesday of every month, 1:00pm-1:30pm EST.
Heather Wilson, MSW, CFRE, CAE, Chair
Kelley Long, MBA
Robin McCown
Linda Bresnahan, MS, Executive Director/Staff
AMA Official Observer
Purpose: The purpose of the FSPHP’s AMA Official Observer is to review AMA resolutions in advance of AMA meetings, to communicate resolutions that relate to the mission of PHPs to members for state level action, and to represent FSPHP’s position on resolutions at the AMA meetings. In addition, the AMA Official Observer participates in and monitors other meeting events and activities of interest to FSPHP and uses the meeting as an opportunity to build relationships that promote FSPHP goals. The FSPHP Board of Directors appoints the AMA Observer, the AMA Observer sits on the Public Policy Committee.
FSPHP representative to the AMA: Chris Bundy, MD, MPH, FASAM
Task Force to Support Safe Haven
Purpose: To reduce known barriers to help-seeking that may discourage health professionals from obtaining appropriate support and/or treatment when their wellbeing is at risk. This will be accomplished through education, by sharing examples of PHPs and medical boards, that support licensure question reform and model legislation that is ADA complaint, protects the privacy of health information, and permits non-reporting of health conditions that are (or have been) appropriately addressed and do not pose risk to the public.
Meets monthly on the 3rd Friday of each month at 12:30pm EST.
Doris Gundersen, MD, Co-ChairArt Hengerer, MD, FACS, Co-ChairTerrance M. Bedient, FACHEMary Fahey, LCSWDavid Granovetter, MDScott L. Hambleton, MD, DFASAMEdwin Kim, MDNatalie LyonsPamela A. Rowland, PhDTina Simpson, MD Linda Bresnahan, MS, Executive Director/Staff
• Performance Enhancement and Effectiveness Review (PEER™) Committee (PEERC)
• Evaluation and Treatment Accreditation™ (FSPHP-ETA™) Committee (ETAC)
• Evaluation and Treatment Accreditation Committee Focus Group
The FSPHP Board of Directors has created an oversight committee (the Accreditation and Review Council (ARC)) and two technical committees (the Evaluation and Treatment Accreditation™ (FSPHP-ETA™) Committee (ETAC) and the Performance Enhancement and Effectiveness Review (PEER™) Committee (PEERC)).
The ARC, PEERC, and ETAC are each comprised of a highly diverse group of stakeholders. The ARC includes FSPHP Members and distinguished representatives of the FSMB, AMA, ABMS, APA, AOA, ACP, ACGME, MPLA, and AOA. The ETAC includes FSPHP Members and providers (potential participants in the FSPHP-ETA™ program).
*Membership of the ARC is determined by the FSPHP Board of Directors; and Membership to the PEER is determined by the FSPHP ARC, and the FSPHP Board of Directors.
*Membership to the ETAC and ETAC Focus Group is by application or review by the FSPHP ARC, and FSPHP Board of Directors.
Accreditation and Review Council (ARC) - Appointed by the FSPHP Board of Directors
Purpose: The purpose of the ARC is to review the work product of the two technical committees (the ETAC and the PEERC) and provide final recommendations on both committees’ work product to the FSPHP Board.
Meets at least quarterly on Thursdays at 4pm EST
P. Bradley Hall, MD, DFASAM - ARC Co-Chair
Scott Hambleton, MD, DFASAM - ARC Co-Chair
Michael Baron, MD, MPH, DFASAM, FAPA - FSPHP
Paul Earley, MD, DFASAM - FSPHP
Carol A Bernstein, MD - voting ex officio for ACGME
Thomas Granatir - voting ex officio for ABMS
Arthur Hengerer, MD, FACS - voting ex officio for FSMB
Scott Humphreys, MD - FSPHP
Joseph Jordan, PhD - FSPHP
Steven J. Karp, DO - voting ex officio for AOA
Emily King, PA-C - FSPHP
Michael M Miller, MD, DFASAM, DLFAPA - voting ex officio for AMA
Mary-Lou Misrahy, ARM - voting ex officio for professional liability
Susan L. Montminy, EdD, MPA, BSN, RN, CPHRM, CPPS - voting ex official for MPLA
Laura Moss, MD - FSPHP
Lois Snyder Sulmasy, JD - voting ex officio for ACP
Performance Enhancement and Effectiveness Review ™ (PEER™) Committee (PEERC)
Purpose: To empower PHPs and other health programs for workers in safety-sensitive occupational roles to use the new version of the FSPHP Guidelines as a practical tool for identifying opportunities to optimize performance and effectiveness in alignment with best practices.
Meets at least quarterly and as needed, on Thursday at 4pm EST.
Scott Humphreys, MD - Chair (Colorado Physician Health Program)
Emily King, PA-C - Vice Chair (North Carolina Professionals Health Program)
Tiffany Marie Booher, MA, LPC, CAADC, CIP, CCSM (Pennsylvania Physicians Health Program)
Sandra Frazier, MD, FASAM (Alabama Professionals Health Program)
Lynn Hankes, MD, FASAM (FSPHP Past President and Florida PRN Board Member)
John Kuhn, MD (Oklahoma Health Professionals Program)
Kelley M. Long, MBA (Ohio Physicians Health Program)
Kay O'Shea, MA, CADC (Missouri Physicians Health Program)
Alistair James Reid Finlayson, MD, MMHC (Vanderbilt University Medical Center)
Evaluation and Treatment Accreditation (FSPHP-ETA™)
Purpose: To recognize evaluation and treatment services that are qualified to specialize in the care of medical students, residents, career physicians, and other safety-sensitive professionals, through a valid, reliable, and rational assessment process that demonstrates compliance with objective standards.
Meets at least quarterly and as needed, on Thursday at 4pm EST.
Joseph Jordan, PhD – ETAC Chair (North Carolina Professionals Health Program)
Laura Moss, MD – ETAC Vice Chair (Washington Physician Health Program)
Candace Backer, LCSW, LCAC (retired)
Michael Baron, MD, MPH, DFASAM, FAPA (Tennessee Medical Foundation - Physician's Health Program)
Greg Skipper, MD (Center for Professional Recovery)
Harry Haroutunian, MD (HHPC Recovery and Wellness)
Jonathan Lee, MD, MBA (The Farley Center at Williamsburg Place)
Leah Claire Bennett, PhD (Pine Grove Behavioral Health & Addiction Services)
Lisa Clark, RN, MSN (Clark Concepts, LLC)
Michael Wilkerson, MD (Pavillon Treatment Center)
Paul H. Earley, MD, DFASAM (Georgia Professionals Health Program, Inc.)
Peter Graham, PhD (Acumen Assessments)
Reid Alistair James Finlayson, MD (Vanderbilt University Medical Center)
Scott Teitelbaum, MD (UF Health)