Other Organizations' Statements

American College of Emergency Physicians

American College of Emergency Physicians Joint Statement on Supporting Clinician Health in the Post-COVID Pandemic Era
June 2020
Position Statement
American College of Emergency Physicians Joint Statement on Supporting Clinician Health in the Post-COVID Pandemic Era

American College of Physicians

American College of Physicians Physician Impairment and Rehabilitation: Reintegration Into Medical Practice While Ensuring Patient Safety: A Position Paper From the American College of Physicians 
June 2019
Position Statement
American College of Physicians position paper on physician impairment and rehabilitation.

American Medical Association

ARC Issue Brief: Confidential Care to Support Physician Health and Wellness
Updated March 2023
It is important to distinguish that seeking assistance to ensure wellness is often separate and distinct from seeking care for an impairment—and that policy and care options provide for different levels of care while retaining key confidentiality protections to encourage physicians to seek the care they may need voluntarily. This issue brief highlights several different options for physicians seeking care and provides tangible legislative and regulatory options for medical societies to support those efforts. It furthers goals of balancing privacy and confidentiality while also reducing stigma and protecting the public health.

Understanding the Recording of American Medical Association Policy
January 2021
An AMA description of how they catalog their policies in their electronic database after each AMA House of Delegate meeting.

American Medical Association – Practice Management – Physician Health
Practicing physicians, residents and medical students alike can suffer from burnout. The AMA offers guidance and targeted solutions to support physician wellness, including personalized learning on best practices for preventing physician burnout, rediscovering joy in medicine, creating a culture of team-based care and improving practice efficiency.

Discrimination Against Physicians Under Supervision of Their Medical Examining Board 
H-275.949 (A-12) - June 2021

Cannabis Legalization for Recreational Use 
H-95.924 (I-19) - November 2019

Access to Confidential Health Services for Medical Students and Physicians
H-295.858 (A-19) - June 2019

Educating Physicians About Physician Health Programs and Advocating for Standards
D-405.990 (A-19) - June 2019

Physician Health Programs
H-405.961 (A-19) - June 2019

Physician Impairment
H-95.955 (A-19) June 2019

Report 6 of the Council on Medical Education 
(A-19) June 2019
Study of Medical Student, Resident, and Physician Suicide 

Official Observers in Our AMA House 
G-600.025 (A-18) - June 2018

AMA Code of Medical Ethics: Physician Health & Wellness/Impaired Colleagues and Reporting of Behavior Sections:

Overview of AMA Code of Medical Ethics

Relevant Sections to Physician Health
AMA Code of Medical Ethics Chapter 9: Ethics of Professional Self-Regulation:

9.3.1 Physician Health & Wellness 
Modified 2017
Issued 2016 

9.3.2 Physician Responsibilities to Impaired Colleagues 
Modified 2017 
Issued 2016 

9.4.2 Reporting Incompetent or Unethical Behavior by Colleagues 
Modified 2017 
Issued 2016 

Legal Protections for Peer Review
H-375.962 (I-17) - November 2017

American Medical Association Physician Health Programs Act Model Bill
December 2016
Position Statement
The purpose of this Act is to enhance the protection of the public by providing for a successful means of confidential and professional support of physicians and other health care professionals who have a potentially impairing substance use disorder, mental health condition, or other medical disease that may adversely affect the physician’s or other health care professional’s ability to safely and effectively treat patients. 

Report 1 of the Council on Medical Education Access to Confidential Health Services for Medical Students and Physicians  
I-16 - November 2016

Report 2 of the Council on Science and Public Health - Physician Health Programs 
(A-11) - June 2011
Provides an historical overview on the development and operation of physician health programs (PHP) and briefly discusses what is known about the barriers to the use of PHPs and the effectiveness of their confidentiality safeguards. Additionally, reviews some key studies on the effectiveness of PHPs in order to identify best practice characteristics.

American Medical Women's Association

American Medical Women's Association Physician Mental Health Initiative 
October 2020
Position Statement
Humans Before Heroes is a new initiative of the American Medical Women’s Association launched in conjunction with the 3rd National Physician Suicide Awareness Day aimed at decreasing barriers to care for physicians by advocating for the reframing of mental health licensure questions on applications to comply with the American with Disabilities Act, and to avoid probing for health information.

American Psychiatric Association

American Psychiatric Association Position Statement on Inquiries about Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders in Connection with Professional Credentialing and Licensing
July 2018
Position Statement
American Psychiatric Association Position Statement on Inquiries about Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders in Connection with Professional Credentialing and Licensing

American Society of Addiction Medicine

American Society of Addiction Medicine Public Policy Statement on Physicians and Other Healthcare Professionals with Addiction
February 2020
The American Society of Addiction Medicine Physician Health Policy Statement Released Feb 2020, Physicians and Other Health Professionals with Addiction.

Federation of State Medical Boards

Federation of State Medical Board Physician Wellness and Burnout
April 2018
Position Statement
Report and Recommendations of the Workgroup on Physician Wellness and Burnout. 
Includes recommendations and model application questions that focus on current impairment (rather than past history of illness or treatment) for state licensing boards and other credentialing entities such as hospitals, insurance carriers, and medical specialty boards.  

Federation of State Medical Board Report of the Special Committee on Reentry for the Ill Physician
April 2013
This report addresses the complex, multi-faceted issues involved with facilitating the safe return to clinical practice for physicians who have a licensure restriction due to physical  or psychiatric illness, including addictive disease.